Friday, January 31, 2020

Suitable media(a song, poem, cartoon, etc.) that can be used to Essay

Suitable media(a song, poem, cartoon, etc.) that can be used to illustrate a concept - Essay Example These are organizational behaviors that are undesirable but they depict how employees would behave if they are demotivated and lost faith leadership about their leadership by thinking (which later influenced their actions) that their organization represents all that is â€Å"soulless and wrong!". The most obvious negative element present in Initech was the alienation of employees. The first kind of alienation was the inability of the Peter Gibbons, Michael Bolton, Samir Nagheenanajar and Milton Waddams to appreciate the fruits of their labor because they cannot concretely connect how their jobs contribute to the software they are creating that made that Peter to stare at his computer all day. They despised their work and this alienates them from it which their rebellious and antagonistic behaviors showed. As a result of the alienation from work, Peter et al felt alienated from themselves because they feel that their jobs are sucking the life out of them with Peter Gibbons remarking â€Å"We weren't meant to spend it this way. Human beings were not meant to sit in little cubicles staring at computer screens all day†. ... Workers fall into place of what they do by the rational legal authority vested to its bosses which in the movie Office Space case was Bill Lumbergh whom the protagonist workers hated because he represent all that is â€Å"soulless and wrong†. It is important to stress that despite Peter, Milton, Michael and Samir loathe of Bill, Bill still continue to lord over them as Vice President because the structure of the organization provided him the legal authority to be the boss no matter how hated he was. This set up is what Weber called to be the iron cage of bureaucracy that employees are still in the organization even if it is spent in Gibbons terms â€Å"filling out useless forms...and listening to eight different bosses drone on about mission statements† because they needed the job. In plain language, the job may suck but they have to be there to make a living because there are bills and mortgages to pay. There may be no prison bars but certainly, the formal offices whic h Weber described as the place they do their specialized skills and reason to be in the organization also felt like a prison cell. Thus, the person in the organization is diminished and turned into a soulless or alienated bureaucrat because he or she still has to be there no matter how despicable the job and organization is. The movie of course is an exaggeration just like any other narrative to underscore certain points of which the moviemakers intend to impart to its audience which in this case organizational behavior of discontented and unhappy employees. One of these exaggerations is the penchant of their boss Bill to write memos reflective of Weber’s nature of organization to abide by formal written communications which in this case,

Thursday, January 23, 2020

The Withered Arm by Thomas Hardy and Farthing House by Susan Hill :: Thomas Hardy Farthing House Hill essays

The Withered Arm by Thomas Hardy and Farthing House by Susan Hill I am going to be comparing two short stories; The withered arm by Thomas Hardy, which was written before 1900 and Farthing house by Susan Hill which was written more recently. The themes in each of the two stories are quite similar. They are both based around women, their needs and their wants and illegitimate children. Both stories have obvious similarities especially with the types of women in the story. 'The withered arm' was a story written before 1900. At the time when The Withered Arm was written, there was a very high child mortality rate. Babies died at an early age due to poor health care and repeated pregnancies. Many women died during childbirth. There were some forms of birth control but they were condemned by the church. Society believed that a woman's main purpose in life was marriage and motherhood. For many, this was not possible. There was a high mortality rate amongst male babies, early death amongst adult males and emigration among marriageable young men. There were hierarchies in society. Quite often, rich males would commit adultery with poor, working females. Once the woman got pregnant, she would be left on her own as marriage was not possible. Single mothers would then become outcasts in society. Generally, people knew what was happening. They were against sex outside marriage but they did nothing to stop it. Now in the 21st century, the roles of women have changed. They are no longer expected to just get married and have children. There is more equality in today's society. Although women still get married, they are also allowed a career and life of their own. They have more freedom and independence. There is better health care and birth control but sex outside marriage still continues. Today, there are many single mothers. Although they are no longer the outcasts they once were, they still have not been entirely accepted by everyone and are sometimes treated as inferiors and thought of as sluts. In the Withered Arm, Rhoda Brook, a poor, once beautiful, milkmaid was used by the rich farmer Lodge. After she became pregnant, she was tossed aside like some used toy. Lodge wanted nothing to do with her. He was rich, she was poor; there was no way they could marry. Rhoda had a child without a husband. Everyone in their village knew about the affair but did nothing to help. They knew that Rhoda had been used and then discarded of but still continued to treat her as an outcast in society. She was the thing to gossip about when there was nothing

Wednesday, January 15, 2020

Nightmare on Elm Street Essay

Nightmare on Elm Street 10 genre is horror he’s centralized looking down not facing the audience or giving eye contact gives a feeling of unease to the PTA as we don’t know who the person or creature is so it causes ambiguity in the audience’s eyes. Binary oppositions of dark and light so could connote good versus evil it goes darker towards the bottom title is written in red connotes blood the colours of red browns and blacks are typical of the horror genre connotes death, fear, scary he is also holding a sharp knife with the lighting showing the edge of the knife which is used to show it hasn’t been used yet so who is the attackers new victim going to be? The title in red represents the colour of blood and inevitable death some of the letters on nightmare are fogged over meaning its conspicuous and something isn’t right it creates an enigma in the primary target audience’s eyes. Freddie Kruger is foregrounded in the image so he is more important than the layout of the text the clothes on the killer are worn which would connote he is old and aged the film typography is very similar to the film layout used in devils rejects its contextual with that film The poster ‘welcome to your new nightmare’ it’s directly talking to the audience and emphasizes the word new so the audience would infer what ‘new nightmare am I having nightmares already’? He is clasping his hands tightly showing that he is ready to kill. The connotations from this poster show deeper meaning. A part used in the mis-en-scene in this poster that shows this is the lighting, the poster is dominated by dim low lighting which gives a dim creepy like feel, also Freddie is bowing his head covering half his face with the his, gives an air of mystery, which may have the audience thinking, ‘what lengths will he go to’?. There is also a white light that is shining from behind him which represents hope and peace but in this setting could connote that death is near, as it’s said that people near death experience following the white light, with Kruger being in front of the light this could connote that he will be with them in death so that they will never have peace from him. The Iconic claw is also emphasized by a little lighting giving the effect that it is glistening, which suggests the claw is a sharp clean weapon that is waiting to be used this effect is used to help make the claw a main focus of the poster. Freddie is also clutching his hands which show that he is ready to attack but the mystery is he is only showing one claw, what else does he have as weapons? The main text used is a type of Serif Fonts this gives the poster and aged feel, although the rest of the poster is quite modern, this may suggest remake of the classic Nightmare on Elm Street. The poster is trying to sell something other than star qualities to get the viewers to watch this film and instead they are enticing peoples natural curiosities which surround horror films, an example being where common in horror films is the main protagonist curiosity leads them into danger when they should of ran. The tag line on this poster â€Å"welcome to your new nightmare† is more of a very brief description of the film and therefore contrasts with other movie posters in the since they don’t use this space to show the viewer of the poster other peoples praise of the film to encourage people to watch this film, the tag line itself suggests this is a film to scare people this is stated in the tag line â€Å"nightmare† the colour of the font is a dark grey talking of dreams and using dark colours emphasizes these will be dark dreams which fits with the plot of the film.

Tuesday, January 7, 2020

King Writes As A Clergyman, An American Citizen, A...

King writes as a Clergyman, an American Citizen, a Judeo-Christian leader, a Christian Brother, a Political Moderate, a Nonviolent Direct Activist, and Anti-Segregationist, a United States Negro, a Creative Extremist, an Integrationist, and a Civil Rights Leader. All are intertwined by the common thread of moral and just activism for the betterment of Negroes in the United States, specifically Birmingham. As a member of all of these communities, he brings credibility to his argument and can speak on the behalf of both sides, even those that conflict with one another. He defines his own membership within each community according to the overall effect it will have on his refutations of the four main accusations in the public statement.†¦show more content†¦In their letter, the clergy have indicated that protests, including any acts of civil disobedience, can result in violence and ultimately anarchy. King takes several paragraphs to explain in a systematic, logical way the methods of a nonviolent campaign. In paragraph 6, for example, he sets out the â€Å"four basic steps†Ã¢â‚¬â€each thoughtful and disciplined. In subsequent paragraphs, he explains the political climate of Birmingham and how he and his community have been mindful of the individuals (he names several) and events (such as the mayoral election) in that community. His detailed and cerebral explanation of philosophy and method implies that the nonviolent campaign is the antithesis of protests that act precipitously without regard for the consequences. Form follows function in this case: the orderly explanation reflects the orderly process being explained. King may have had several purposes for this juxtaposition, expressed through a vivid metaphor of â€Å"horse-and-buggy pace† with â€Å"jet-like speed.† For one, he appeals to the patriotic spirit of Americans who would not want their country to lag behind any others in any category, including social justice. Second, this juxtaposition alludes to the worldwide changes as people of color in the Caribbean, Asia, and Africa are demanding and winning