Saturday, August 31, 2019

Helping the street children Essay

Poverty, health and nutrition, and the lack of access to education are the challenges that are linked each other, facing us and become horrible nightmares for the government, and of course children at this time. And nowadays, those nightmares haunt Indonesia, Jakarta – the capital city – for exact. The challenges are come up by the poverty. Within the poverty, malnutrition and the lack of access to education happened badly. Children, as the innocent parties, also have to feel the impacts. Poor children will become the poverty conservationists. Poor conditions in childhood will only lead to a slower cognitive growth, stunted physical and limited access. Jobs that can be achieved with low education is also very limited. Therefore reduction of poverty might be large and long-term impact when the roots of the problems of poverty such as poor nutrition, education, improved quality of life can be made since the early. No matter how many individual and anecdotal exceptions there may be, the fact remains that the children of the poor simply do not have the same opportunities as the children of non-poor. Whether measured by physical and mental development, health and survival rates, educational achievement or jobs, prospects, incomes or life expectancies, those who spend their childhood in poverty of income and expectation are at a marked and measurable disadvantage. Economic and political conditions often make getting an education ‘impossible’ for children. Families may require their kids to work so that they have enough money to survive or even sell their children for labor, sex, or adoption because money is too tight. In other cases, obligatory school fees may prove prohibitive. Discrimination, attacks on secular schools, displacement as a result of war or persecution, and other conditions are often to blame. Poverty and prosperity are the two words that opposing each other. Poverty shows the distress and unprivileged situations, while the prosperity shows a luxurious and affluent situations. Traveling Jakarta, everyone can see the luxurious cars like Mercedes-Benz or Hammer along the road, and at the same time, beggars raise their hands, asking for help. The contrast between poor and rich is very pronounced in this very interesting megalopolis. Despite a robust economic growth, Jakarta is still a place of poverty. There is no doubt that the poverty is an intractable problem in Indonesia. Problems associated with poverty is the effect of the poverty for the growth and development of children’s lives as they are called to work. In Jakarta, so many school-age children spend most of their time for begging and busking. Most of them started to be beggars and buskers since the age of under five. They were forced to leave the school for work, to provide themselves and help the family economy. The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child in 1989, has conveyed that there are a number of rights of children should be guaranteed and fulfilled by the state, which every child has the right to be born, to have a name and nationality to have a family who loved and to love, to live in the community safe, peaceful and healthy environment, to get enough healthy food. The deprived of these basic children’s rights causing the growth process of the children stunted. One of the emerging social problems in Indonesia, especially in the Jakarta, is the increase of the children as beggars and buskers along the streets, even in the roads. According to the results of a survey of social welfare problems conducted by the Central Bureau of Statistics and Ministry of Social Affairs in 2000, the estimate of the number of the street children is about 50,000 children comprising 83% males and 17% females. According to the same observation, Prasadja and Agustian reported street children in Jakarta aged 13-15 years by 40% and 16-18 years by 30%. From those who had dropped out of school around 60% to 70% do not want to go back to school with a variety of reasons, specifically ashame because already mature, and prefer work to help parents. Meanwhile, the data from the Department of Social in 2005 also shows that more than 1,1 million toddlers are spend most of their times along the roads and the total amount of street children in Jakarta are 3. 3 million. This large population of street children causing of the strength of the street fascination. According to the ChildFund Indonesia, in 2010, these children were taking to the streets only to help their parents. The streets become the easiest locations to looking for work because it requires no capital and skills. The other problem in Jakarta’s many slums is child malnutrition. Most residents of the neighborhoods don’t have kitchens or cooking supplies to prepare their own meals, so they purchase cheap street food that is usually high in fat and sugar, but low in protein and nutrients. As a result of this poor diet, at least 17% of children throughout the city suffer from acute malnutrition, as well as anemia and stunted growth. That percentage is much higher in the slum neighborhoods where poor families are concentrated. The child poverty really needs serious attentions. This country doesn’t have an accurate data of children poverty population. However, if the percentage of the poverty reaches 39% or around 40 millions of the total population, means that the total poor children has a larger amount. The poverty of children exposed in the amount of information street children, dropped out of school, malnutrition, child prostitution, children trafficking and child labor. The possible causes of the child poverty that related to the health and nutrition of the children and the lack of access to education are 1) the low wages, contrary to some stereotypes, 56% of children in poverty have a parent who works full-time, according to Robert Fellmeth, Price Professor of Public Interest Law at the University of San Diego School of Law and executive director of the Children’s Advocacy Institute. A full 28% have parents who work part-time and only 16% of parents are unemployed. Generally these parents work in low-wage jobs with few benefits and no room for advancement. Though parents work, the wages are not enough to support their families so children live in poverty 2) single parenthood, is that children living in single-parent families, particularly those headed by women, are much more likely to be poor. On average, women earn less than men, reducing their ability to support a family. Two-parent families also have twice the income potential as single-parent families. This effect can be lessened if the father contributes child support 3) parental education, according to NCCP, children whose parents do not have a high school diploma are more likely to live in poverty. In fact, 83% of children with parents who did not graduate from high school live in poverty. The importance of good policy and initial favorable conditions has been identified as the main factors contributing to poverty reduction during the pre-crisis period in Indonesia. There were four main important policies and programs devised by the new order government (1969-1998). First, the rice policy, which subsequently led to Indonesia’s attainment of â€Å"rice self-sufficiency† in 1984, was one of the important factors that had a lasting impact on alleviating poverty. Second, during the oil boom in 1970s, the government made substantial allocations to the social and human resource development sectors, as well as to transport infrastructure. It was during this period that the government implemented the expansion of primary schools (SD INPRES) and health centers (PUSKESMAS) to ensure wide access to these basic social services for the poor society. Also during this period the government established the INPRES funding system, which allows direct grants from the center to the regions. Third, the government ensured that particular social sectors were protected within the development budget, primarily by utilizing the INPRES mechanism. Fourth, labor intensive projects, which have long been part of the government’s efforts to stimulate employment and income during tough economic times. But why does Jakarta still have the Child Poverty problems about the Lack of Access to Education and Health? Not all of those organizations ran properly. Some of them are proceeded improperly. Some of them are troubled with the committees, additional costs, bribery, violence, etc. It is because the government does not look after it. They were just made the organizations, leave it, then entrusted to the committees. Virtually, not all the committees work inappropriately, but some of them are still, and unsettling the poor society. The central government and the regional should run the programs seriously in order to solve the poverty problems and improve the education level and health of street children in Jakarta. The government should send some new teachers to the schools for street children (SD INPRES). Teachers who are not just smart or knowledgeable, but the teachers who have the soul of idealism to help improve the education quality of the street children, not really far to left behind the rich children. The teachers should also required to to attend training first, to treat the street children, who probably are very different than the usual children, in terms of behavior, character, politeness. Yet, it should not be resolved with violence. They should give them a fit attention, because someday they will become the future successors. In addition, the government should establish an organization of art and music for the street children and send some teachers who are experts in the in that parts. Repeatedly, not just anyone. Only selected teachers who can teach them, have a strong soul of idealism about street children, enough patience, to bring the street children become more intense and make a lot of satisfactory artworks and wonderful pieces of musical. The teachers have to take the children down to the competitions, contests, or talent shows to make them enthustiastic for developing their talents. For the health centers (PUSKESMAS), the problems are not very different with SD INPRES, but in additional their big fault is that the PUSKESMAS is just waiting for the patients. Some of the doctors and nurses should visit the poverty society routinely, especially the children. Because, some of them might can’t come to the PUSKESMAS causing the distance, transportation, or strength to keep themselves along the way to the PUSKESMAS. Children and the elderly are the first parties that must be handled after the emergency patients then followed by adults patients. The other solution, is that the government should encourage the society, especially the poverty society, to make some latrines, repair the broken sanitation facilities, provide the mosquito nets and clean water. Also the government should appeal the people to implement the healthy life. For children, country, and the future. The fatal faults of adults, impact to the children. Nowadays, they have to face some big problems that they musn’t face. Innocent faces, should dropped out from school because of costs and fees, do not eat healthy food – or even rare to eat – because of the lack of money to buy the healthy food, working along the streets under the blazing sun, while the other children sitting on the chairs at school at the same time. Dropped out from school, leaving the dreams. Some of their parents made those faults, made the poverty. The laziness, mischiefs and riots when they were still in youths built a big problem, failure that making bankrupts and end with poverty. Regret comes late, so make it never happen. Parents who are failed in the term economy, ought not be fail at the family harmony and guiding children. Make them become worthy persons in the future, that lead the country becomes better and also decrease the rate of poverty in Indonesia, not only in Jakarta – even the world. For the government, they should distribute the agricultural assets, including land, and more access for the poor to better education and health facilities must be given as the first priority in poverty alleviation policies. No doubt, the poor are better off when the government gives more focus and run the functional organizations responsibility. Bibliography: UNICEF Innocenti Research Center (2000, June). Innocenti Report Card, Issue No. 1: A League Table of Child Poverty in Rich Nations. Retrieved from http://www. unicef-irc. org/publications/pdf/repcard1e. pdf The World Bank in collaboration with UNICEF (2009). UNICEF Publications: Abolishing School Fees in Africa: Lessons from Ethiopia, Ghana, Kenya, Malawi, and Mozambique. Retrieved from http://www.unicef. org/publications/index_49325. html Richards, Jill (2007). The eHow Health: The Causes of Child Poverty. Retrieved from http://www. ehow. com/about_5375005_causes-child-poverty. html Ruslan, Kadir (2011, August 20). Jakarta, Kota Bercampurnya Kemakmuran dan Kemiskinan (Jakarta, the City of the Mixed of Prosperity and Poverty). Retrieved from http://sosbud. kompasiana. com/2011/08/20/jakarta-kota-bercampurnya-kemakmuran-dan-kemiskinan/ Tambunan, Tulus. Urban Poverty and Social Safety Net in Indonesia. Research Institute, Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (LP3E-Kadin Indonesia). Retrieved from http://web. mac. com/adrianpanggabean/Loose_Notes_on_Indonesia/Poverty_files/tambunan%20urban%20poverty. pdf Lesmana, Teddy (2008). Sriwijaya Post: The Impacts of the Child Poverty. Retrieved from http://palembang. tribunnews. com/26/07/2010/dampak-kemiskinan-pada-anak Juliarny, Amalia and Erna Dewi Kusuma Ningrum (2011, September 8). Journal Psyche:The Efforts of Improving Achievements of the Street Children at Rumah Singgah, Bukit Duri, South Jakarta. Retrieved from http://blog. binadarma. ac. id/Amalia/? p=19 Emanuela, Maria (2010, May). Poverty is Affecting the 9 Years Study Programs. Retrieved from http://mariaemanuela19. blogspot. com/2010/05/kemiskinan-mempengaruhi-wajib-belajar-9_14. html Rukmana, Deden (April 8, 2007). Indonesia’s Urban Studies: Urban Poverty and Inequality in Jakarta. Retrieved from http://indonesiaurbanstudies. blogspot. com/2007/04/urban-poverty-and-inequality-in-jakarta. html.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Hi This Is with Reference to Platellate Count

How To Increase Platelet Count Naturally: Increase Low Platelet Count Platelet is a component of blood and play is crucial role in blood clotting. There are certain conditions which may result in a drop in the platelet count. Low platelet count is often associated with delayed healing of wounds and internal bleeding. Certain dietary considerations can help increase the platelet count naturally. Normal Platelet Count * The normal level of platelets ranges between 150,000 to 400,000 platelets per microliter.A marginal drop in the platelet count is not a cause of concern; however a significant drop in the platelet count may often be associated with a host of symptoms. * The common symptoms observed in cases of drop in the platelets include, red hemorrhagic spots on the skin of the lower extremities, bleeding of gums, passing of blood in urine and stools, etc. These symptoms are often associated with systemic symptoms like fever, malaise and generalized fatigue and weakness. In addition faintness and dizziness may also be experienced, especially if the platelet count has fallen drastically. It is always essential to get yourself thoroughly investigated to identify the underlying cause for the condition. Increase Platelet Count Naturally * Here are some dietary suggestions that can help improve the platelet count. * It is recommended to avoid processed and refined foods. Most of the processed foods tend to interfere with the normal metabolism of the body, which in turn can affect the natural production of platelets in the bone marrow. It is also recommended to avoid oily food, especially transfats and saturated fats. Aerated drinks and soda drinks should also be avoided.Increase the intake of fresh fruits and vegetables. Organic food is loaded with essential vitamins and minerals. Further fresh vegetables and fruits are loaded with antioxidants that help in destroying free radicals and improve your platelet count. Avoid refined sugar and use jaggary instead. * Avoid consuming raw food, especially vegetables in the form of salads. It is important to wash them thoroughly before consuming, as they may result in parasitic infection in the colon. Parasitic infections in the colon can result in internal bleeding which may further result in significant drop in the platelet count. Increase the intake of   cod liver oil, flax seed oils, etc. as they are loaded with Omega-3 essential fatty acids   Omega-3 fatty acids help improve blood hemoglobin levels and also contribute in increasing platelet counts. * Increase the intake of Tomatoes, cashew-nuts, berries; grapes, etc are rich in anti-oxidants. They eliminate the free radicals in the blood when may be responsible for tissue damage and also low levels of platelet count. * Vitamin K deficiency is also considered to be an important cause for low platelet count. Vitamin K supplements are ideally recommended to improve the platelet count.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

New York City Project Part 1 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

New York City Project Part 1 - Essay Example Due to lack of adequate money to do it all, the budget reflects the priorities of the city’s elected representatives. And I consider the city council of New York City has a comprehensive plan because that the New York City Charter ("the Charter") vests the responsibility for preparing an annual expense and capital budget with the mayor. The mayor must then submit the expense and capital budget to the City Council for its review and adoption. It shows that the process of making a budget has to be rigorous enough to be implemented (Christine, 2013). Besides, each budget must consist of several parts: the expense budget, which sets forth proposed appropriations for the operating expenditures for municipal services including debt service; the capital budget and program, which sets forth proposed appropriations for capital projects for the ensuing fiscal year and the three succeeding fiscal years; and the revenue budget, which shall set forth the estimated revenues and receipts of the city. In addition, the expense budget is further broken down into a contract budget, which can be viewed as a detailed portion of each agencies' other than personal services expenditures for contractual services that are personal service in nature (Christine, 2013). ... Private employment rose by 9,000 in August 2013 after an increase of 13,000 in July. The unemployment rate rose to 8.6 percent in August from 8.4 percent in July. House market is a significant factor in the New York City’s economy. Some of the most expensive office space in the United States is located in New York City. For example, the world’s third expensive office building-Bank of America tower was value $1 billion in New York City. Department of building’s Fiscal 2014 Preliminary Budget is $93.7 million, which is approximately $2.6 million less than the $96.4 million Fiscal 2013 Adopted Budget (Christine, 2013). This is primarily due to revenue increases from construction related fees. Budgeting Methods Budgeting is a very important management tool in every organization. New York City plays a very important role in the economy of United State. The constitution of United State gives the city council of New York the power to make budget. This budget ensure that the city continue to support the economy. The city is headed by a mayor who manages the city with the assist of a council, which is commonly called city council (Clarke, 1978). The city council of New York uses a master budget in running the activities of the city. The city council uses this approach because it can project all the activities that need a budget allocation. The line items in the master budget include transport expenses, salaries and allowances. The performance of the city’s budget is monitored on monthly bases by its chief financial officer to ensure accountability. The city has various departments such as health, education and waste management (Eltis, 1993). Expenditure is distributed as per the departments'

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Letters to the Editor Personal Statement Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Letters to the Editor - Personal Statement Example The wonderful community life which we as the residents shared seems to have deserted us. Rob (my husband) and I thought that there wouldn't be a better idea, but to launch our very own family oriented restaurant which would have a seating capacity for 150 individuals. The restaurant would also handle private as well as business events. This family restaurant will not just offer good quality food but also a good conducive environment for both family and business events. This restaurant is my way of connecting and sharing with the community members, the joy and honor of being the part of this community. We are offering a wide range of cuisines, beverages, desserts, appetizers and salads. Mother of three adorable daughters myself; hygiene cannot be stressed enough in my restaurant, considering how much I value a healthy family. "The Dinner" has a lot more to offer than just delicious food to its customers. We would soon be launching our free delivery service, bringing our full lunch or dinner menus right to the door. A spacious play area for kids will also encourage parents to bring their kids along for family gatherings.

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

The Synergy of Form and Theme in Millays Sonnet Love is Not All Essay

The Synergy of Form and Theme in Millays Sonnet Love is Not All - Essay Example Vincent Millay (1931). This short essay will discuss the synergy that exists between the particular form of sonnet and in theme, in presenting the poet's ideas on love, briefly analyzing the rhyme-scheme, alliterations and other techniques that enhance the lyrical quality of the sonnet. The analyses, it is hoped, will pave the way for a better understanding of the potentiality of the simple Shakespearean sonnet form. Francis Petrarch (1304-74) popularized the sonnet form in Italian, comprising of ten or eleven syllables to a line, with a total of 14 lines divided into two parts, the octet and a the sestet. The first contains one particular idea and the second presents the 'Volta' or the 'turnaround,' and follow the pattern - a b b a a b b a c d c d c d (or c d e c d e) (Spiller 1). Shakespeare modified the structure of his sonnets slightly, into three quatrains of four lines each, and a couplet of two lines in the end, which may contain the Volta. The form is simple and has more scope for exploring various ideas, and this bas bee utilized to the maximum by Millay, in her sonnet. The poem follows the typical rhyme-scheme is a b a b c d c d e f e f g g; for example, the first quatrain, (1-4) drink, of the first line rhymes with sink of the third line, just as rain of the second line rhymes with again of the fourth line. Each quatrain is used to present a

Monday, August 26, 2019

African Americans and the Law Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

African Americans and the Law - Research Paper Example The discrimination of the African Americans began several centuries ago. As immigrants, they were initially deprived of nearly all rights since they were perceived as underprivileged human beings who should only b enslaved and mistreated. Hence, they could not enjoy rights such as voting, housing, education, assembly and speech because these were exclusively reserved for the whites. As time went by, several efforts were made through constitutional amendments to eliminate any form of racisms in the country. Even though the tireless efforts of the civil rights movements yielded some fruits, discrimination did not completely end. In fact, it still remains a menace up to the present times. Inequality still persists in the country because of the skewness of the law. As it today, the US constitution does not entirely fight racism. The domination of the whites has greatly influenced the formulation and enforcement of policies and laws that are highly selective in nature. Whenever such legis lations are made, focus is always put on the whites who still hold the view that they should be enjoying more privileges than their black counterparts. This has made it possible for the blacks to be mistreated in the country. The ineffectiveness of the anti-racial laws and policies has been evidenced in many situations. It is what has promoted the discrimination of the African Americans across the country. Racial profiling still remains a major challenge in the fight against inequality between the whites and blacks.

Sunday, August 25, 2019

CIPD Diploma (Human Resource Practice Course ) Essay - 1

CIPD Diploma (Human Resource Practice Course ) - Essay Example Failure to deal appropriately with grievances can lead to unnecessary strikes and loss of revenue for the organization. An external factor that affects employment relationship is laws and regulations by government agencies such as employee rights, and worker safety. An employer needs to comply with these laws failure to which can result in a strained relationship. In addition, work/life balance can affect employment relationship. Employees are also family members and need time to be with their families. They thus have to balance work and family life sometimes resulting in frequent absenteeism and poor performance. The management should in this case provide measures to balance the two such as allowing workers flexible time to meet family obligations and to work effectively. The employment status in an employment relationship is vital as it determines the rights and responsibilities of employees. Three types of employment status include worker, employee, and self-employed. An employee in employment law is â€Å"someone who works under an employment contract† ( These employees work for a minimum number of hours unless they are on holiday or any other leave; they can work full-time, part-time or annualized hours. They also have to work personally as they cannot send someone else to work on their behalf. They also work at the business’s premises or at an address specified by the business and are provided with materials, tools and equipment for their work by the organization. Self-employed persons are â€Å"those who run their business for themselves and take responsibility for its success or failure† ( Such workers do not have the rights and responsibilities enjoyed by employees. Unlike employees, they do not have to work themselves but can engage services of another person. They also can work for more than one client and provide themselves with tools and equipments. A worker is one employed on contract

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Designating English as the official language of the United States Research Paper

Designating English as the official language of the United States - Research Paper Example More than with the English people, the English language has come to be regarded as synonymous with the American people. There is, in fact, some truth to this. Given how well-regarded the American people are for their general fluency in the English language, it is not altogether surprising that some have begun to consider it as being the USA’s national language. In fact, Feder (2007) has noted how at least 28 American states have come to consider the English language as their official language, while a survey by the US Census Bureau (2007) shows how over 225.5 million American citizens actually regard it as their only language. Another, earlier report from this same source (2000) pegged this number as 231.7 million. Specifically, 86% had been shown to claim the English language as their mother tongue, while 96% attested that they spoke English very well. The remaining 14% whose first language is not the English language serve as proof that while American English is the predomin ant language in the United States, it is far from being the only spoken language there. At the same time, though, the overwhelming majority of fluent English speakers residing in America all but dictated that that particular language would be considered the de facto national language of the United States of America. ... Thanks in part to British trade and colonization, the English language spread not only to America, but also to other parts of the world. The huge British population at the time also helped; by 1921, the then-British Empire was slated to have at least 470 million people – easily a quarter of the entire global population. Since then, both variants of the English language have diverged, evolving and developing on their own. Today, American and British English are said to differ on points including, but not limited to, spelling, grammar, punctuation and expressions. Crystal (1997) has noted that over 66% of all English speakers living worldwide reside in the United States. This being the case, it should no longer be surprising that, as mentioned above, the American variant of the English language has come to be considered as the USA’s de facto national language. That is, while the federal government itself has not issued any directives as to the USA’s national langua ge, 28 out of all 50 states have already adopted American English as their respective official languages. American English is known for possessing greater homogeneity than the variant spoken in England (Lass, 1990), and is mostly rhotic in nature. Certain letters are pronounced and enunciated differently between the two languages, and there are even sounds that are exclusive to one of them. All in all, certain words have begun to be spoken and pronounced differently depending on whether American English or the Queen’s English is being used. Spelling has also been known to deviate between the two variants. Among the most triumphant examples of these are certain words which may or may not be spelled certain letters such as mold/mould, honor/honour, realize/realise, and others. Additionally,

Introduction to Operational Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Introduction to Operational Management - Essay Example This write-up presents a discussion about the approach to operational strategy for improving Going Inc’s airline business that services the United States, Europe and Asia and its aircraft manufacturing business. Going Inc has a higher than industry average figures for flight delays, baggage and security related check-in delays and late arrival figures for flights. In addition, Going Inc’s manufacturing operations for small aircraft must meet increasing market demand. Going Inc’s airline service has been losing business for the past twenty months despite attempts to present a high-class image and competitors are likely to win if Going Inc cannot supply the small aircrafts that it manufactures to customers in a timely manner. Appendix A presents the observations for Going Inc’s airline service business and its aircraft manufacturing business unit. The difference between operations strategy for bringing about an improvement in Going Inc’s airline business and for enhancing the ability of Going Inc’s aircraft manufacturing to take advantage of increased market demand is the difference between operational strategy for service and that for manufacturing (Lynch, 2006, Pp. 330 – 332). Manufactured aircrafts are products, while airline operations represent a service orientation for customers who will want to avail themselves of the service offered by the airline if they like the package that is being presented to them for a price. Most of the published research in the area of operations strategy relates to product manufacturing strategy. However, services are now an important part of the economy and telecommunications, travel, airlines and banking present significant contributions to the GDP in any nation. Services present significant differences from manufactured products and five main differences between servi ce offerings and products have been identified as follows (Lynch, 2006,